Saturday, August 23, 2008

Bush Poetry 21st Century Style

As indicated by Thomas' rousing motivational speech he proved to be quite a word smith, composing numerous poems and ditties describing expedition events.

This little ditty is the only one that was recorded for posterity, it was a particularly cold and frosty morning so sitting around the campfire for a bit longer than usual to fine tune and record the poem was much more attractive than packing up and setting off before the sun had really started to warm the day.

Thomas inspired the rest of team to compose similar poems (except me who isn't able to string two rhyming sentences together if my life depended on it).
This one from Lynne as we traversed a particularly rough bit of track proved not only that she was up to Thomas' standard but also added a dimension to the trip that us blokes hadn't really appreciated.

I'm a huppin' cross the red dirt track
I spy me mates afar
These corrugations hold me back
- I didn't bring me bra!

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