Monday, July 29, 2013

For Those Who Like Maps

"Words following words in long succession, however ably selected those words may be, can never convey so distinct an idea of the visible forms of the earth as the first glance of a good map. Of all contrivances hitherto devised for the benefit of geography, this is the most effective. In the extent and variety of its resources, in rapidity of utterance, in the copiousness and completeness of the information it communicates, in precision, conciseness, perspicuity, in the hold it has upon the memory, in vividness of imagery and power of expression, in convenience of reference, in portability, in the happy combination of so many and such useful qualities, a map has no rival. Everything we say or do or think has reference to place; and wherever place is concerned a map deserves a welcome: there is scarcely one department if knowledge, physical or moral, beyond the sphere of its usefulness; to geography it is indispensable"

President of the Royal Geographical Society 1840

1 comment:

Alan Kimber said...

Check out

For a few more photos Tim and Lynne